
Human Rights Policy

As a company, we will deepen our understanding towards all people who are affected by our business and act appropriately based on our human rights policy.

Policy Position

All documents and norms regarding efforts to respect human rights in business activities are positioned as a high-level policy.

Scope of Application

This policy applies to all NEOJAPAN officers and employees (including officers, regular, employees, and contract employees). We expect our business partners and suppliers to comply and support with our policy.

Practice of human rights

  • We promise to respect the human rights stipulated in the International Human Rights Code and the International Labor Organization’s (ILO) Declaration on Basic Principles and Rights in Labor, as well as the United Nations Business and Human Rights. We support these guidelines and work towards applying these principles.
  • Prohibiting all discrimination and harassment based on race, ethnicity, nationality, social status, family origin, gender, disability, health condition, belief, sexual orientation/gender recognition, and differences in occupation and employment form. We strive towards providing a safe work environment, ensuring appropriate wages, responsible work practices including proper hours, freedom of association and the respect for negotiation.
  • We do not condone labor exploitation such as child labor and any form of human trafficking
  • We strive to fulfill our responsibilities towards communities that are affected by our business, including the Indigenous peoples.

Corporate Social Responsibility Policy

  • We made a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) plan built around the company’s policies, as well as the United Nations’ Global Compact, and examples set by other corporations.
  • This policy plan will be an important part of the company’s CSR activities, guiding the actions of both employees and suppliers.

1. Compliance with Relevant Laws

During the course of our business activities, we will always comply with any relevant laws, in-house regulations, business ethics, and societal norms.

2. Respect for Human Rights

We will always respect the individual human rights of anyone affected by our business activities. Additionally, we will always strive to ensure a safe working environment, with observance of the minimum wage and reasonable working hours.

3. Quality Guarantee & Quality Improvement

Alongside maintaining an appropriate quality management system that ensures product quality at all times, we are continually working to improve the quality of our products.

4. Environmental Consideration

We consider our interaction with the environment to be a vitally important issue, and always aim to reduce our environmental impact across the entirety of our supply chain.

5. Fair Business Practices

We ensure openness and transparency in all our business dealings, whether with our customers or other business partners. We comply with all anti-monopoly laws and subcontracting labor laws, and base our business activities on the principle of a free and fair market.

6. Information Security

We comply with all relevant laws and norms in the handling of personal information, or other important information, that is gathered in the process of doing business.

7. Coexistence with Local Communities

We will coexist with and augment both local and national communities, as well as working together with our customers and business partners to contribute to the development of a sustainable society.

8. Promotion of CSR

We will strive to keep all our employees educated and knowledgeable about points 1~7 above, and to continue cooperating with our business partners in line with our CSR guidelines.


We foster a culture where employee diversity is acknowledged and accepted regardless of nationality, race, gender, religion, age, disability, etc., and create a work environment where everyone can maximize their abilities.

Support the Active Participation of Diverse Human Resources

We strive to realize a society that respects diverse values through activities aimed at creating employment for foreign nationals and people with disabilities. When hiring or promoting, we aim to create an environment where employees can work comfortably, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, nationality, race, religion, or beliefs,

  • Supporting senior human resources:
    We have established a reemployment system after retirement to create an environment where applicants can continue to play an active role. Going forward, we will continue to build a system for seniors to work, including raising the retirement age.
  • Promoting active participation of overseas human resources:
    The Malaysian join venture operates mainly with local employees. Through mutual support such as dispatching personnel between Malaysia and Japan, we are striving to develop local employees so that they can fully demonstrate their abilities, regardless of nationality. This includes further improving the technical capabilities of local employees.
  • Promoting activities for people with disabilities:
    With the cooperation and support of external job coaches, we are promoting the retention support for people with disabilities. We will make effort to hire people with disabilities actively to maintain to exceed legal Employment Rate of people with disabilities.


Employment status of people with disabilities

Fiscal year FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Number of people with disabilities employed 1 3 3 3 5
Employment rate of people with disabilities 0.86% 1.27% 1.19% 1.19% 1.89%

* The performance is the total of the entire NEOJAPAN Group, but in 2018, the performance is the total of NEO JAPAN Inc only.

Percentage of Women Managers

Fiscal year FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
All Managers 29.3 31.7 33.25 34.16 34.67
Women Managers 1.0 1.0 2.0 2.3 3.0
Percentage of Women Managers 3% 3% 6% 7% 9%

* Only NEO JAPAN Inc. is included.

Work-life balance

By utilizing in-house systems and tools, we are working to promote work-style reform (promotion of work-life balance.)

Measures to support diverse work styles and the active participation of human resources

  • Limitation of overtime work and promotion of annual vacation time:
    The Company sets no overtime days, encourages employees to leave the office on time, and promotes combining annual paid vacation days with the Golden Week, new year holidays and summer holidays both to support the health of employees and to create a work environment that makes it easy to balance work and family.
  • Overtime work hour target:
    The Company is seeking to improve productivity and reduce overtime hours.
  • Working from Home:
    A system is in place enabling employees who increase their work productivity by working at home to do so up to two days per week.
  • Shortened working hours for childcare and long-term care:
    Employees raising children (below elementary school age) and employees with a family member in need of long-term care may reduce the actual work time by 3 hours per day (in 30-minute segments).
  • Spouse (paid) maternity leave:
    An employee may take a one day leave when a spouse is giving birth.
  • Employee shareholding association system:
    A shareholding association system is provided to support employees in building personal assets.
  • Influenza vaccinations:
    Influenza vaccinations are provided by the Company to maintain employee health and to protect against the risk of influenza within the Company.


Paid leave acquisition rate

Fiscal year FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Average number of days granted 15.2 15.0 15.5 17.4 16.2
Average number of days acquired 8.5 9.6 11.2 13.3 11.9
Acquisition rate 56% 64% 71% 76% 73%
  • * The number of days granted excludes the number of days carried forward.
  • * The number of acquisition days is the number of days actually acquired in one year.
  • * The acquisition rate is the total number of acquisition days / total number of grant days.
  • * From 2018 to 2020, only NEO JAPAN Inc. is included.
    From 2021 onwards, the performance is the total of the entire NEO JAPAN Group.

Number of childcare leave

Fiscal year FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Male 0 1 2 1 5
Female 1 1 0 2 5
Total 1 2 2 3 10
  • * The figure is the total of the employee started to childcare leaves in the year.
  • * The performance is the total of the entire NEOJAPAN Group, but in 2018, the performance is the total of NEO JAPAN Inc only.

Human Resource Development

We are considering working to systematically strengthen the human assets that will support our business in the future. The basis of human resource development is OJT and we are conducting each training to back up OJT.

Efforts for Human Resource Development

Training System

  • New employee training
  • New employee follow-up training
  • Next-generation leader training
  • Leadership training
  • Product training
  • Compliance training
  • Harassment training

Training of new employees

Every year, we hire new graduates and hire new employees while working on systematic recruitment and training of human resources. The new graduates will continue on to specialized training after receiving the basic training necessary to play an active role in our company such as business etiquette, in-house systems and rules, and knowledge of the industry. In the specialized training for development, we have assigned a dedicated education employee to teach programming and have a training system that allows us to firmly acquire skills.

The improvement of technical capabilities

To improve the technical skills of employees, we recommend and support providing incentives for employees to acquire qualifications.

Basic Customer Service Policy

NEOJAPAN was started with the core idea: “We want to create things that make people happy!” That idea still hasn’t changed to this day. Our goal is to make products that both help people, and that become indispensable for society as a whole.

That is NEOJAPAN’s core mission and core passion. Through our groupware communication tools, we aim to
provide our customers with the benefits of IT, while strengthening our own communication with customers, and providing them with products and services that bring complete satisfaction.

NEOJAPAN’s Basic Customer Service Policy

We provide products and services that our customers really want.
We place utmost importance on customer communication.
We are continually improving our products to answer the needs and demands of our customers.


Customer Feedback Flow Chart

Customer Feedback Flow Chart

Initiatives to improve CS

  • Continuously improve products and services in response to customer feedback
    In addition to providing new added value in line with current trends, we continuously improve and expand our products and services based on customer opinions and requests received by our sales and support teams.
  • Continuously share information to deepen product familiarity
    The Company invites customer to hands-on seminars and regularly distributes information via email, Facebook, and Twitter to help customers become more familiar with and make the best use of our products and services.
  • Always present a human face to customers
    We seek to assure customers by always presenting a human face for the Company at events and exhibitions, via the Minato Desknet’s information website for product usage tips and “User Discussion Meetings” on various topics with Company staff, and PR visits to users accompanied by violinist Erika Matsuo.


Number of reflected customer requests

Fiscal year FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Number of product upgrades 5 3 4 2 4
Number of reflected customer requests 82 53 30 22 41

Customer Satisfaction Survey (Survey by Nikkei BP)

Fiscal year FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
NEOJAPAN 71.0 72.9 73.1 70.6 68.7
(Ref. Average of all companies) (62.2) (62.6) (62.5) (65.4) (64.5)

* Source: Nikkei BP “Nikkei Computer Customer Satisfaction Survey, Groupware / Business Chat Category”

Health and Safety

We have formulated a policy on occupational safety and health and mental health. We have also developed occupational safety and health activities based on this policy. Recognizing that ensuring the safety and health of every employee is the foundation of corporate management. We strive to ensure a safe and comfortable working environment and strive to eliminate occupational accidents and maintain and improve welfare.

Occupational Safety and Health Policy

Based on Chapter 10 (Health and Safety) of the Employment Regulations, we will enhance the safety and health activities in the company, clarify the basic matters necessary to prevent occupational hazards, and ensure the safety and health of employees. Occupational safety and health has been established with the aim of promoting the formation of a comfortable working environment.

Health Committee Chart

Health Committee Chart

Initiatives for Occupational Safety and Health

  • Conducting a medical examination
  • Holding a hygiene committee
  • Company-wide hygiene management
  • Conducting stress checks


Number of occupational accidents

Fiscal year FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Number 0 1 0 0 0

* The performance is the total of the entire NEOJAPAN Group, but in 2018, the performance is the total of NEO JAPAN Inc only.

Percentage of health checkups

Fiscal year FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Percentage of having health checkups 98% 100% 100% 100% 100%
  • * Only NEO JAPAN Inc. is included.
  • * Fiscal year is April to March, but in 2018, Fiscal year is February to March.

Stress check consultation rate

Fiscal year FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Percentage of having stress checks 95% 90% 94% 96% 90%

* Only NEO JAPAN Inc. is included.

Other results

Certified as a "Kurumin" which recognizes companies that support child rearing.
Certified as an Excellent Enterprise of Health and Productivity Management 2024 five times in a row.
Certified as an Excellent Enterprise of Health and Productivity Management 2023.
Certified as an Excellent Enterprise of Health and Productivity Management 2022.
Certified as an Excellent Enterprise of Health and Productivity Management 2021.
Certified as an Excellent Enterprise of Health and Productivity Management 2020.
As part of our smoking measures, we removed the in-house smoking area and renovated it into an employee lounge.
A member of the Health Committee created a stretch video and posted it on the company-website.
We invited an outside lecturer and held a health promotion meeting.
Members of the Health Committee participated in a lifesaving class conducted by the fire department.
AED was installed at the in-house entrance.

Social Contribution Policy

As well as our business operations, we also proactively engage in corporate citizenship/social contribution activities, working to help solve problems that affect both local and international communities, and contribute to the development of a sustainable society. Through these practices, we focus our attention on the following three areas.

Our Three Areas of Focus:

  • Contributing to local communities(Society)
  • Supporting education of the next generation(Society)
  • Preserving the environment(Environment)

Social Contribution Activities

Hometown communication site

We provide and operate the hometown communication site "Furucomu" that conveys the charm of prefectures for the purpose of further revitalizing the region.
We would like to provide an opportunity to experience the charm of the area and to convey the charm of the area to the local people who live in the area so that we can dig up the goodness of the area and review it.

Click here for the hometown communication site "Furucomu"(Japanese only)
Click here for the hometown communication site "Furucomu"(Japanese only)

In-House Dementia Supporter Training Seminars

As part of our social contribution activities, we have begun holding Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare-promoted Dementia Supporter Training Seminars for our employees. We are building connections with local efforts to deepen understanding of dementia, help sufferers of dementia themselves, and assist their family members in balancing the act of care with their work.
National dementia supporter program by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (Japanese text only)

National dementia supporter program by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (Japanese text only)